

Good morning everyone!
I'd like to start off by asking you to think about what you have in your life that you may take for granted. Something that you should be thankful for everyday, but sometimes you overlook it. And that's okay! Because it's only human to overlook things in our life. But I think now is a good time to cherish those things, because you never know when they may be gone.

With 145 injured, 17 of those injuries being critical, and 3 dead, the Boston Marathon was no celebration.
Chaos filled the streets as spectators and athletes fled the scene in fear of what may come next. And to their dismay, a block down the street there was another explosion.
I know my facts may not all be straight, but reading about this and watching video after video, makes me feel helpless in a way, because I know I can't do anything about what happened. I wish I could help, but all I can do is pray and be thankful that there were not as many casualties. Even though no one I knew was in that race, you can't help but feel like you were a part of that nightmare in Boston.

A 14 year old girl from Provo, Utah went missing yesterday. Charice Beaumont who attends Dixon Jr. High. She never showed up to school no one knew she was missing until after school when she didn't come home. I have no further knowledge on this case, but I will continue to keep up with what is going on.

As far as everything goes and what you can do, just keep the people of the Boston Marathon and Charice Beaumont and her family in your prayers.
There is so much to be thankful for each and everyday, and maybe sometimes we forget. But we shouldn't be reminded through harsh situations such as these. Love everyone at every second of the day, never forget how much someone or something may mean to you.

It's snowing. Yes, it's April (almost May might I add) and it's snowing. I am very unhappy because 1. I really don't enjoy snow during track season 2. I have a track meet today and 3. I'm going to be outside most of today.
I get cold just thinking about it. Brr!

Also, my car is broken. I don't believe I shared that with you last time. But it's awful trying to figure out what's wrong with it! I just need my car...I hate being driven around everywhere. I need my baby back.

Oh, and guess what everyone! I have missionary lessons tonight!! Hooray!! Today is the day I set a baptism date, and I am so, so thrilled.
I just feel like my life has changed, but it has changed for the better ever since I have let the gospel into my life and developed a relationship with my Heavenly Father. Now that I do have it in my life, I never want to live without it. And no matter where my life may go and turn out to be. I will always be happy and content because I know that I have something in my life that I'll always be able to fall back on. Someone that will never leave me standing alone in the dark, but will guide me through it.
I was in so much darkness last week, but it's a new week and a new day everyday. I found that when I realize what the blessings are in my life, I am able to be more accepting of the trials I am going through. Because I know that they will be what makes me stronger. And that alone, along with the feelings I have and what I have experienced, shows me that this is what's right for me. It may not be what's right for my family, but I do have to be selfish with this decision and be happy for me.
So tonight's the night.

AND. Tomorrow is the night as well. Because guess what! I am signing with Utah Valley University! How exciting, right? It's good to  know all my hard work has paid off, but at the same time, I'm going to be working my butt off for the next year of my life. Hopefully I can handle it!
And looking for apartments is rough. I'll be staying in Glenwood most likely with my best friend! Ohhh how I can't wait to move out in a few months!! It's about time.

Also, graduation is next month, time seriously flew by! But I can't wait a second longer! I just want to graduate and travel (which i'll do with the track team) and continue my education with what I want to do, and live on my own. I'm more than ready.

Well I haven't seen my boy since Sunday..a full two days, I know. But seriously! I hate not seeing him. Yeah, I love the time with my friends and family and to myself. But sometimes not seeing him sucks. When he leaves, that's going to be so hard, but I know I can do it. It may seem impossible now, but pretty soon we'll both be looking back at what was hard and think that it was easy. And I love him, so I know I'll never leave him behind. I'll only be standing behind him 110%.
We also made this goal, to have a spiritual accomplishment each week. Whether it's reading our scriptures, sharing experiences, etc. we are both working towards something and we would like to strengthen the relationship we both share with our Heavenly Father, together. I can't wait to be baptized, and being baptized by my best friend will be something i'll never forget. I'm so excited.
PS would you like to see a funny picture?

The first picture Ben and I took together way back on 9/10/11 to one of the most recent...
Time flies...and I never knew it would come to be something as amazing as this<3
Also, his hair is super long and I am a brace face. And, we both look like tiny kids!
ps I like his hair now;)

Well I have a track meet today and he has a soccer game, so wish us both luck!

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