
almost gone;

Hello everyone.
Lately my mood has been downhill. I try to change that and not let the events in my life alter my attitude, but truth is, I can't help it.
Ben is leaving today and I couldn't feel any worse.
I don't really have much to say..
And even though the events recently in the week have been amazing, i'm not quite ready to share how great Lake Powell was and such.
Right now my only focus in Ben...and how hard this is for us both. Writing helps, but to an extent. I'm emotionally drained, my eyes are red and puffy, I can barely keep them open, and my thoughts are focused in on one thing. And I'm sure you can guess it.
But i'm not really in the mood to write much, so instead, you can take a look at my blog over HERE for the update on Ben and I. Remember i'll be posting periodically.
Help me hang in there and stay strong. I need the support. My best friend is leaving...

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