
High school

Here I am..at school.
Just got here. And I'm actually on time today! Even though I don't have classes till 3rd period...sometimes it's hard for me to show up on time...
Senior year. It's that year where motivation for pretty much anyone is diminishing ever so slowly. I find myself asking when graduation is daily now, counting down the days till end of term, or the next break....I've never wanted to be out of some place so badly. High school.
I'm sure everyone can agree with me when I say high school has its ups and downs....
Senior year is when we are supposed to have most of our ups and last moments together with people we've gone to school with for what seems like forever. But in all reality, we have to deal with the stresses of applying for scholarships, sending in applications for college, should we have a relationship senior year or not, keeping friends, making new ones, keeping grades up, saving up for college because that's one huge amount of money.
And for me, I'm still debating if running in college is what I really truly wanna do with my life.
Sports. Scholarships are huge....
Sometimes I bet we all just wish we can freeze the world and scream as loud as we can because our stress levels pile over and it's really hard to keep it all bottled up...
High school, it's a crazy time...
But we can all get through it.
Well the bell rang, time to hit up psychology!
Have a great day everybody:)

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