

"baby i'm craving sushi...really REALLY bad"
I said to my boy yesterday morning
I get a reply saying we have a sushi date later that night.
Why am I so lucky? A sushi date, just because I was craving it that morning.

I know that may not seem like a big deal, but the fact that my boy decided to use his last bit of money on something I was craving a lot of, means the world (of course, it probably benefited him as well)
And everyone, that sushi was divine. I'm not a big eater, I get full in a matter of bites, but I ate an entire role and a quarter of his one of three roles! Pat on the back for Desi.

Also! Okay so the past few nights I've hung out with my perfect boy. Tuesday...what did we do..
Oh! Well I decided to go over, even though it was two hours until my school night curfew, and it takes me half hour to drive there, so we only were able to chill for an hour and a half. But that entire hour and a half we looked up vacation spots that we dream of going to, surfed Pinterest, stalked on Facebook, checked Twitter, checked the price of tickets for the G-Eazy concert we were supposed to go to (i'll talk about that later), and looked up videos on Youtube...pretty chill evening. But oh so perfect.

and ps...that G-Eazy concert we ended up not going to! Which blows:( Ben had soccer tryouts until 5:30 and the concert started at 6....
and another ps...
If you haven't listens to G-Eazy, please do yourself a flavor and listen to him.
Honestly, he's one of mine and my boys favorite rapper, he's incredible. Relatively new, but he doesn't disappoint. Just do it.

Actually I had a final meeting with the coaches of the college I will be committing to, Utah Valley University! So many good vibes from that place, i'm ecstatic to be attending there this fall, AND run with my dream team!! Also, $1000 more dollars added to my scholarship, on the spot, by the coaches. More money=happy Desi (and happy parents).
Then I had my glorious sushi dinner finished off with an episode of The Walking Dead! Then I had to go home, curse the school night curfew.

Saying goodbye at the end of a perfect night is difficult. I don't know if any of you lovers have the same problem as myself, but it is just SO heartbreaking. It's not like i'm going to be seeing him the next morning at school, because i'm not. I'm at a different school, half hour away. I only get time with this boy on weekends and when we make spontaneous visits throughout the week. So saying goodbye, knowing I have a full day without him, is actually really frustrating. But the great thing is, when we actually do spend everyday with each other, which is rare, but we are good at hanging out every chance we get. But when we do get that everyday opportunity, it's not like we get tired of each other. Some may say our distance is what keeps us together because we aren't around each other often enough to get tired of each other or something like that, but we love every second. We could spend a week straight with each other and it still wouldn't be long enough. We just never grow tired of each others company, which is pretty cool I guess:)

Oh! Another cool thing! Tomorrow our families are having dinner together:)
I honestly don't know what to say...
haha our families are so...different. That it will be different seeing how they all interact! haha it's going to be a huge dinner! Lots and lots of people! But i'm ready:) Gonna be a mad house!

So many cool things to say...
But his family lives about ten minutes from the college i'm going to! Which is convenient! Haha but his sister offered me a room at her house for free if things get rough in college! How unreal is that? Of course I want my college experience! Plus, i'll be rooming with my best friend in the entire world! But the fact that she offered...well haha..she offered Ben's room after he leaves to the marines;) haha which I think is quite hilarious. But it also makes me feel like his family definitely see's so much potential in us as a couple, which is encouraging to me. I love his family:)

Okay, I need to read my scriptures and head off to bed! So gooood night and i'll talk to you soon:)

some pictures, of course.

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